This is the 'contrast' or 'complementary' graphic

This is the image you want to display

mask BLACK and white

mask WHITE and black

I have used the same mask for both examples...I negated the original for the difference
First part of lesson- using a WHITE and black mask
Enter IM with display graphic

composite copyOpacity with WHITE and black mask/grav=center

You now have a png with transparent areas....output as png to show you what happens. Not necessary to output at this point but I wanted you to see what happened after the copyOpacity

See how the white part of the mask picked up the image of the girls face? The 'black' part is actually transparent
composite dstOver with contrast graphic/grav=center

The dstOver composite filled in all the transparent areas

Now, let's do it with the BLACK and white mask.
enter IM with contrast graphic

composite/copyOpacity with BLACK/white mask

output as png to show results only...this step is not necessary...for showing results only

See how the white part of the mask picked up the image of the contrast graphic with the copyOpacity composite, leaving the rest transparent, making a 'frame' to proceed
composite dstOver with display graphic

The dstOver composite filled in all the transparent areas

The end result is the same.
The order of use of graphics is different, depending on whether your mask is primarily black or primarily white.